Jail and Prison Ministry


May 29, 2013 | Hope of Freedom | Leave a comment
uznik  www.uznik.net Журнал “Узник”
gates  www.gatesoffreedom.org “Gates of Freedom” is a Christian non-profit organization which focuses its ministry around helping troubled teens and young adults.
newlife  www.newliferecoveryusa.org Реабилитационный центр “Новая жизнь”
c4i-300x122 www.christ4inmates.com Our ministry provides opportunities for men and women to serve the inmates and help them experience the love and forgiveness of Christ through ongoing mentoring and support, especially after inmates are released.
www.rcr.ru Русское христианское радио. Журнал “Евангелие за колючей проволокой”
reporter www.rcr.ru/eng Журнал “Репортер”
Official Movers Big thanks to our sponsors, Official Movers Company, for their crucial support. Their commitment to excellence and community aligns perfectly with our mission.